Based on the successful pilot program held in conjunction with Hasbro Children’s Hospital in Providence, Rhode Island, Sail To Prevail is expanding the program to include other child-centric organizations in other locations throughout Rhode Island and southeast New England.
Confidence is Cool Camp is a week long program available for 3 sessions throughout summer for physically disabled children, ages 7 to 17. In addition to sailing two days a week, participants enjoy wheelchair sports, kite flying, arts and crafts, and field trips to the beach, zoo, and museums in and around Newport.
Jaclyn Kline, Chief Pediatric Resident at Hasbro Children’s Hospital
As the coordinator for two years, I have seen first hand how much the children and their families appreciate this program. It is a fantastic opportunity for children and their families to spend time out on the water, which is certainly therapeutic. I can also speak for my fellow residents that this program offers a unique opportunity for resident physicians to spend time with patients outside of the hospital and to form better relationships with patients and families.
I speak not only for myself, but for future residents, patients, and families – this is a great program to continue to offer the opportunity for a day away from the hospital for sick children for years to come.