Our donors make our work possible and our vision clear. By supporting Sail To Prevail, you drive our mission to overcome adversity through therapeutic sailing. Simply put, we couldn't do what we do without YOU. On behalf of all those we serve, please accept our sincere gratitude. Together, WE are making a difference! Sail To Prevail is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Donations are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by the law.

Dear Sail To Prevail Supporters,
When you shop using smile.amazon.com – you can choose SAIL TO PREVAIL to receive a donation through Amazon. If you are going to shop anyway, why not let a portion be donated to help children with disabilities who will attend our program next summer?
Thank you!
Additional Ways To Help
- If you have sailed with us, please let us know your thoughts or tell your story so that we can share it with others
- You can also support Sail To Prevail by spreading the word about our program
- “Like” us on Instagram and Facebook
Thank You!
Since establishing Sail To Prevail in 1983, we have never needed to turn away a participant due to their lack of funds. Scholarships are available through the generosity of Sail To Prevail’s contributors, and we are grateful to everyone who supports our mission. Please consider joining our efforts to help our participants PREVAIL!